25 September, 2013

Windows 8.1 tidak bisa update tidak bisa install dari windows store app

Haduh lama ndak buat catetan,,

hari ini mengalamai masalah soal update windows dan install aplikasi dari store :) ndak bisa semua karena servise tidak runing , tapi pesenya macem macem bikin bingung

"Windows Update Cannot Check For Updates" error message when you try to install updates
Your purchase couldn't be completed
Something happened and your purchase can't be completed.

 Cara mengatasinya gampang sekali
Jalankan Services.msc caranya Buka run jalankan Services.msc enter dan scroll kebawaha cari windows upadate kemudian klik kanan run servis udah selesai


Catatan Al_Fakir
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02 September, 2013

Software Hear , memperbaiki kualitas Output suara

Software ini bagus dan lebih gampang dipakai ketimbang SRS yang tidak jarang suka force close sendiri

Sebelum beli silahkan dicoba dulu http://www.prosofteng.com/products/hear.php
  • 3D Sound

    Do you like movies? Like them even more with virtual cinema quality sound experience. Sound will approach you from all angles, even from behind. Hear is the best option for you as it provides better sound quality for your mac and pc.
  • Equalizer

    Perfect and improve the sound quality on your computer with Hear's studio quality N-band equalizer with built-in peak limiter. You've got complete control.
  • Speaker Correction

    Control speaker resonance to increase frequency range and enhance sound.
  • Center Channel Control

    Control the volume and width of the sound coming from your own virtual center-stage for performance-grade audio effects. A concert in your house.
  • Virtual Subwoofer

    No Sub? No problem. Let Hear use your existing speakers to boost your bass. Don't you need more thump in your life?
  • Ambience

    Fine tune reverb to emulate any venue from phone booth to concert hall. Either way, it's music to your ears.
  • Fidelity control

    Music the way it was meant to be heard. Restore frequency, coloring and intensity lost during the recording process. Put more "hi" in your "fi".
  • Much more...

    Hear can control the volume and improve the sound of your PC and Mac independently. You can control enable and disable each effect independently. You can apply the effects in any order for dramatic results. You can define and recall presets at any time. You can enjoy Hear's effects through your computer's speakers, headphones and external speakers. And you can do it all in an easy-to-understand user interface. Hear provides better sound quality for Mac and PC.


Catatan Al_Fakir
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01 September, 2013

Komentar dengan FB

Buat Aplikasi diFB , fungsinya biar kita bisa melakukan me-moderatori komentar yang ada.
buat disini https://developers.facebook.com/apps
Setalaha jadi kopi id app kita tadi

Cari baris berikut
Kemudian kopi kode tepat diatasnya
Jangan lupa ganti "https://www.facebook.com/alfaqir.nurwidiyanto" dengan fb yg kita punyai dan id app sesuai dengan id app kita

<meta content='https://www.facebook.com/alfaqir.nurwidiyanto' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='327835520686774' property='fb:app_id'/>
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js'/>
<script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/>

Cari kata kata ini <data:post.body/> kemudian kopikan kode dibawah ini

kalo kita temukan lebih dari satu pilih yang no 2 yach ...
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='fb-root'/><script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=327835520686774&amp;xfbml=1'/><fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' numposts='5' width='580'/>
Jangan lupa ganti id app yach ...

Simpan perubahan yang sudak kita lakukan dan lihat hasilnya, kalo kita pakai app buatan fb kita sendiri ketika kita bisa melihat komentar berkomentar dan me-moderasi komentar dari fb :)

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