Belajar CLI Debian dalam pengolahan filw dan folder...
Organizing file and directory
- cp : Copy one or more files to another location
- dir : Briefly list directory contents
- file : Tells what kind of files are those listed on command line
- gzip/gunzip: Compress or decompress named file(s)
- ls : List information about file(s)
- mv : Move or rename files or directories
- mkdir : création de dossier
- popd : Remove the top entry from the directory stack, and cd to the new top directory.
- pushd : Save and then change the current directory. With no arguments, pushd exchanges the top two directories.
- pwd : Display the working directory (Print Working Directory)
- rcp : Remote Copy - move files between machines.
- rm : Remove files
- rmdir : Remove directory
- rsh : Remote shell
- rsync : Remote file copy - Synchronize file trees across local disks, directories or across a network.
- scp : Secure copy (remote file copy program)
- sync : Synchronize data on disk with memory
- tar : Tape ARchiver, store, list or extract files in an archive.
Text editing
The text editors in CLI are very important with the operating system on unix type because they use configuration files. A page is make to their.
See Text éditors
See Text éditors
Visual files
- cat : Display the contents of a file (concatenate)
- less : Display output one screen at a time, Search through output, Edit the command line.
- more : Display output one screen at a time, less provides more emulation and extensive enhancements.
Manipuling the rights
- chgrp : Change group ownership
- chmod : Change access permissions, change mode
- chown : Change owner, change the user and/or group ownership of each given File to a new Owner.
Obtains the system informations
- df : Disk Free - display free disk space
- du : Disk Usage - report the amount of disk space used by the specified files and for each subdirectory
- file : Determine file type
- free : Display the usage of RAM
Informations on identity of user
- groups : Print group names a user is in
- id : Print real and effective user id (uid) and group id (gid), prints identity information about the given user, or if no user is specified the current process
- whoami : Print the current user id and name (`id -un')
Find a file
- find : Search a folder hierarchy for filename(s) that meet a desired criteria: Name, Size, File Type,…
- locate : Find files
- lpc : line printer control program
- lpr : off line print - sends a print job to the default system queue
- lprint : Print files
- lprintd : Abort a printing task
- lprintq : List of printing task
- lprm : Remove a task in list of printing task
- pr : Format text file to printing
- history : History of commands
- screen : Multiplex a physical terminal between several processes (typically interactive shells)
CLI Organizing file and directory